Oooooh I am so $#^% mad. Where's some oud?

There's some oud! Deeeeep huffs out of the cap of my Yusuf. Heart rate slows down and I stop shaking. A loving swipe... okay, two swipes, because I was madder than a wet cat! Better... much better. Breathe. Clarity is returning and I no longer feel like skuh-reeeeming at my roommate, who did something super lame. More deeeep breaths of oudmagic. I'll get through it. Happy thoughts! I will have more of this glorious stuff sooner as opposed to later. Peace... above me. Peace... below me. Peace... all around me. Good to go!

This is almost exactly my stream-of-consciousness when I was in a towering rage and knew that oud was the only way I had of calming myself quickly enough to deal with an issue. Elapsed time was about ten to fifteen minutes. The aroma was just as effective as any technique for self-soothing that I ever learned in therapy. There are people, I am sure, who would consider oud to be a frivolous thing to buy when on a limited budget. I thumb my nose at them. The stuff takes me down from aggression to peace in a hot minute, and nothing else... NOTHING else... can ever do that.


Well-Known Member
No question it is far from frivolous. It is truly a psychoactive healer on many levels. I continue to be amazed at how incredible and powerful these oils really are.
Take care and hope all is calm and well!